how to get some dope

… without buying at iTunes Music Shop – I thought about doin’ it, mmariam asked for it today – here it is! my sources – where I get my dope:

Online Shops

w/o DRM and better “rates” and other formats (FLAC, WAV, etc.)


  • very good back catalogue (eg. NinjaTune)
  • losless, if you want
  • download as “zip-packages”


  • actuality, sometimes a little bit behind release dates

DTD – Dancetracks Digital

  • very good player for pre-listening inside the shop
  • big catalogue
  • fast website


  • no “zip-packages”
  • own download application

TuneTribe (no rating)

Beatport (Elektronic) and Beatsource (Hip Hop) (both not tested yet)

Bluenote Shop (not tested yet)

[Updated via DE:BUG:]

Whatpeopleplay (not tested yet)

kompakt (not tested yet)

Artists and Labels Direct

some musicians and some labels sell their own music direct

NIN (Nine Inch Nails) – “Ghosts”

Up, Bustle and Out

JDub (mini label w/ SoCalled)

Sonar Kollektiv (Berlin Jazzanovas label w/ eg. Fat Freddys Drop, The Black Seed and Eva Be)

Six Degrees Records (alternative world music)

NinjaTune : they sell (some) stuff direct but also link to Bleep and TuneTribe

The Free and Legal

mashup and creative commons

The Who Boys (Mash Up Masterminds)

Moment Sound (net label)

Thinner (net label)

[Update via KFMW:]

Deep in Dub (netaudio releases and DJ mixes)

stadtgruen (net label)

der kleine grüne würfel (net label)

nightly treasures into my head

i listen to music all the time i’m awake. all. the. time.

audio from there and here. free. paid. found.

and the most intense time of listening is at night when my loves are sleeping and i have to do some work. creative stuff or just leftovers from days or weeks … and RIGHT NOW – headphones attached to my headTHIS GREAT SOUND is plucking into my brain. 39 minutes of pure dope.

no ordinary day

It started just as a ordinary day. checked e-mails. said to my feedreader go grab me some fresh news… and it said to me: hey, Beaucoup Kevin done a muxtape last night, maybe you should check it out. and I did. and my soundsystem said: go and start your day dancing. funkin’ wild. and still i’m dancing. can’t stop. it’s like living in a musical. funk. soul. disco.

this is NOT an ordinary day. thank you kevin.

from hell to spring in berlin

The yearly live gig by Lota Red at the Schleusenkrug
this speaks for itself:

«[…]Rock-A-Billy-Punk-Country-Folk. It was like a chainreaction. Bang. Boom. Bam. To make a long story short: Best first concert in 2007 for me. […]»

And I’m sure this time it rocks, too!

Saturday – 5th April 2008

Schleusenkrug, Mueller-Breslau-Str., 10623 Berlin, S-Bhf. Tiergarten

and here is some material from last year:

for my daughter, II

כ״ח בטבת תשס״ח
28th 27th of Tevet, 5768 (yesterday two days ago) : your great-grandmother passed away. 81 years. she’ll be in heaven … flying like a bird … looking down to us, too. now she can have a chat with otfried and a. lindgren — and w/ her (too early taken away) son. in memory forever.

Update: Der Tagesspiegel published a obituary. props to Henriette Dushe, she did the words. Thank you!

last night I was flashed again

now I can add another group of musicians I do NOT want to miss a gig: Orientation. The 2006 album “9 In Istanbul 8 In Berlin” at iTMS(+) was just added to my archive.
thanks goes to advocado! he asked me if I want to make some photos. I did.1030 images. and I decided to show some of them here at native berlin. 3 sets w/ a total of 60. presented as a slide show w/ controls and thumbs. enjoy it!
[kml_flashembed movie=”” base=”” height=”276″ width=”490″ fvars=”showLogo=false” /]
© by Yoram Blumenberg

Update: Now online: some of the photos Michael shot on Sat.