To Teach: The Journey, in Comics

Today the postman brought the ordered book, expected not until next week. After reading the first twenty pages I had the urge to shot this post. To spread the word about a great book, a great comic …

To Teach: The Journey, in Comics
by William Ayers and Ryan Alexander-Tanner
Teachers College Press
ISBN 080775062X

Go get the book! Direct from the publisher Teachers College Press, from Amazon US · UK · Germany or from your local book store.

this week ain’t over yet …

… and the creative input is already amazing.

On wednesday I went to the very great and essential exhibition «Heroes, Freaks, and Super-Rabbis — The Jewish Dimension of Comic Art», on friday afternoon I spend the afternoon in Potsdam at the HPI School of Design Thinking for the final presentation of the last 12-weeks-project and friday night we watched the very good documentary «Planet B-Boy» about the «Battle of The Year 2005».

spontaneous combustion (1)

Two das ahead to make this week complete and the temperature is still 29°C at 2 AM. Rain where are you?