Memetic Bomb

Take the time to watch the embedded 30 minutes video clip — it’s worth the time spend, promised.

«[…] one would think that this is what’s going on — this is not what’s going on. This is what’s going on on Twitter — maybe. […] We have a great conversation happening on Twitter about Twitter. There is something going on, but it’s not this. […]

[…] If they don’t understand what the technologies they’re using are for, it’s really hard to use them effectively. […]

[…] What is Facebook for? […] We all know Facebook is not here to help kids make friends, Facebook is here to try to figure out how to monetize relationships, […] how to put brands between social relationships and all that. […] Kids who are using Facebook to make friends are not really using a tool that’s devised to help them make friends and thus they’ll get a different result, than actual making friends, they’ll get the making of «likes» or shared «likes» or something else. […]»

Douglas Rushkoff

«[…] It’s so very very simple that it breaks their minds. Or they think it’s communist to ask “what value is created?” Or that I’m being facetious since we’re all supposed to know that no value is actually created. […]»

Douglas Rushkoff, comment on «Meme Hacking, Douglas Rushkoff Drops a Memetic Bomb on PivotCon 2010»

[«Memetic» → Wikipedia]

What do you see?

one source says:

«Protesters stopped an army officer from shooting himself. Cairo, Egypt.»


but …

twitpic picture caption says:

«احد افراد القوات المسلحة يبكي امام احد المتظاهرين بعد ان هاجمهم بلطجية مبارك لما جاء الشاب وقبل قدميه ليحميهم من البلطجية ولكنه بكى لعدم تمكنه من حمايتهم ونزل على اقدام المتظاهر وقبلها»

via Google translate≈

«A member of the armed forces cry in front of one of the demonstrators after they were attacked by thugs Mubarak came to the young and before his feet to protect them from thugs, but he cried because he was unable to protect them and got onand before the feet of the demonstrator»


but …

comment says:

«false pic cos there was tear gas bombs from unknown source the soldier affected and thats a doctor»


[pointed to the picture by Sebastian Waters & fuck yeah middle east!]

Ideale und Twitter

»Wir arbeiten nicht für Organisationen, Unternehmen oder Personen des öffentlichen Lebens, die die Umwelt oder unsere Mitmenschen bedrohen.«

parismedia, website


»Wie lange muss sich ein Land von Robin Wood Öko-Taliban,Sittler-Sekte & Park-Stasi erpressen lassen? Heute räumen:* #S21«

parismedia, twitter

und auch …

»S21: Als emanzipatorisches Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Stuttgart begrüßen wir die aktuelle Schlosspark-Räumung!«

parismedia, twitter


the face of the so-called social network

ZUCK: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard
ZUCK: just ask
ZUCK: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns
FRIEND: what!? how’d you manage that one?
ZUCK: people just submitted it
ZUCK: i don’t know why
ZUCK: they “trust me”
ZUCK: dumb fucks

IM excerpt from the early years; → taken from «The Face Of Facebook — Mark Zuckerberg opens up», a portrait of Mark Zuckerberg by Jose Antonio Vargas, The New Yorker 2010/09/20)

the rise of the stream

Ja, auch deutschsprachiger Inhalt erscheint hier — oder wie in diesem Fall, verweist auf diesen. Ein meiner Meinung nach sehr interessanter Rückblick von Markus Spath beinhaltet unter anderem auch:

»[…] der stream wurde in der folge zur zentralen metapher für den konsum (input) und die transformation (output) dieser klein- und kleinstformatigen inhalte.
der konsum von streams ist nach dem lesen von feeds tatsächlich auch die zweite grundsätzliche, web-native kulturtechnik des rezipierens. beide muss man sich aneignen bzw. erlernen, wenn man sie nicht kann, versteht man bestimmte phänomene nicht bzw. ist mit ihnen nicht kompatibel.
imho ist das lesen von feeds die wertvollere (effizientere, optimierbarere, personalisierbarere) technik, aber das schwimmen im strom hat natürlich auch seine qualitäten […]«

markus spath : »5 Jahre live.hackr«

Aber auch das Thema Facebook und das »social web« im Allgemeinen werden beleuchtet. Gehet hin und lest!

the return of the notes about facebook


→ More Reasons Why You Should Still Quit Facebook


Read Write Web

→ Why Facebook is Wrong: Privacy Is Still Important

→ What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account

→ Does Facebook Really Want a Semantic Web?



→ Sick of Facebook’s lack of respect for your data? Add your name and commit to quit!

some (more) notes about facebook

i still don’t know if i gonna stay there but meanwhile some more words to consider …

facebook’s gone rogue; it’s time for an open alternative

[…] facebook has gone rogue, drunk on founder mark zuckerberg’s dreams of world domination. it’s time the rest of the web ecosystem recognizes this and works to replace it with something open and distributed. […]

ryan singel (wired epicenter)

the evolution of privacy on facebook

[…] facebook hasn’t always managed its users’ data well. in the beginning, it restricted the visibility of a user’s personal information to just their friends and their «network» (college or school). over the past couple of years, the default privacy settings for a facebook user’s personal information have become more and more permissive […]

Matt McKeon

conversations about the internet #5: anonymous facebook employee

[…] we track everything. every photo you view, every person you’re tagged with, every wall-post you make, and so forth. […]

– anonymous facebook employee

(how to) permanently delete your facebook account

[…] deactivating your facebook account is pretty much worthless. it’s facebook’s deceptive and very smart practice of luring you into a false sense of security by making you think you’ve removed your account, personal data and license to your ip (intellectual property) from the service when actually you haven’t. […]


some notes about facebook


i don’t know if i gonna stay there but meanwhile some words to consider …

facebook further reduces your control over personal information

«[…] facebook users would be better off and better able to express themselves if they could choose whether or not to link their interests and activities to a community, if they decide to list them.»

kurt opsahl, eff

… facebook just seized control of the internet

«[…] its claws for pulling in outside content are now razor-sharp. it’s going to be very hard for anyone to escape. […]»

mg siegler, techcrunch

facebook: considered harmful,… — or read this, think and then deactivate.

«[…] long story even longer, this is another step in the direction of evil empire for a site that was built upon the concept of privacy. i think it is high time those of us who care about our privacy to find another place to share our experiences, photos, etc with each other. […]»

chris j. davis

updates 20100425.1929

das facebook like-button-battle: gefällt mir (nicht)?

pros and cons (in german)

the age of facebook

[…] someday, maybe a decade from now, some new technology will rise and allow other companies to threaten facebook. but until then there is little to stop them. their march to dominance has just begun.

michael arrington

“facebook like button”-plugins for wordpress poppin’ up like mushrooms

… counted so far 76

updates 20100426.1328

facebook & co: glasperlen gegen perlen

[…] sie bieten glasperlen gegen echte perlen. sie verhalten sich wie conquistadoren gegenüber den eingeborenen der neuen welt, des neuen web. wie dealer zu junkies. kostenloses anfixen. ich halte facebook für eine bedrohung gegenüber den communities und des neuen web. twitter ist ein waisenknabe dagegen. […]

cem basman

facebook? – gefällt mir nicht…

[…] die machen nicht sich dran – die haben das web bereits erobert! […]


like buttons falling from the sky

[…] your friends’ faces will show up on websites where they’ve clicked the “like” button. think about that. you’re on joe’s website. you see your wife’s, girlfriend’s, and minister’s faces smiling at you from joe’s website. […]

jeffrey zeldman

swissmiss about “”

[…] i am not a facebook fan, but this definitely made me look. […]

swissmiss (about