the world we live in (now)

Years ago (18?) I played a pen-and-paper role-playing game called Shadowrun, «[…] set in an imaginary future where huge corporations control the live […]».

Skip some time to now. A corporate security division acts like an (uncivilized) official authority:

«[…] According to ND Daily, Sun Danyong, who had been handling a shipment of 16 iPhone prototypes, was set upon by Foxconn’s Central Security Division after one of the prototypes went missing. Unable to take the “unbearable interrogation techniques,” he jumped from a 12-story building on July 16.
Foxconn has already issued a statement apologizing for the incident and admitting that the section chief of the Central Security Division […] may have used “inappropriate interrogation methods” such as searching Sun’s house, holding Sun in solitary confinement and possibly beatings. […]»

source: shanghaiist

Who need states and countries if you can get the same w/ corporations? And what will Apple execs say?

perfect late night brain surgery

… or the right musical drugs. somehow my roots dictate my favorites right now. don’t know. addicted to the dark beats and the tabla and the flutes and the oud and the fiddle and the drums … mixed with a sweet potion of dub! (well, at least badawi)

middle east sound clash on the east coast — they’re all located in brooklyn, NY.

and while i’m listening late night i put some pixels together:


droid, droid, droid

this is the book right now. can’t close it. it arrived a few days ago from amzn … and I don’t have to read the free(!) online version — I can turn the pages back and forth. paper. print. books. aaah. i love it.


droidMAKER: George Lucas and the Digital Revolution by Michael rubin for free!

… and after I downloaded the 3 “acts” and start reading I couldn’t stop. Well, yes I had to force my self to go on w/ my daily business BUT I ordered right away the book. Please mr. postman, hurry! I want to read the book – printed on paper.

and the hat tip goes to mr. heilemann — and while we’re happy about it: there is another bonbon from the dark side


»[…] die Rede von der Internetcommunity, Internetszene, Blogger, Twitterer etc, auch der Begriff des Generationskonflikts erscheint mir eher wie eine ungerechte Vereinfachung, ich kenne Leute von 16-60 die die Petition unterschrieben haben und die kommen aus den unterschiedlichsten Lagern. Unter einer Community verstehe ich etwas, das sich persönlich kennt […]«


voices and pirates

warum die piraten von mir noch keinen kaperbrief erhalten werden, ich aber eine unterstützerunterschrift geleistet habe: da andere das besser auf den punkt bringen können verweise ich einfach dorthin:

nachtrag: und nicht vergessen die kommentare dort zu goutieren; steht viel sinnvolles und manchmal auch weniger gelungenes drin. aber ein (kleiner) meinungsspiegel ist’s auf jeden fall.